Know a student that could use Ridgefield tutoring?
When a student can use some assistance with their schoolwork, a private tutor can be an excellent resource. Teachers and professors have many students to divide their attention, and outside of office hours-which are often taken up on a first-come, first-served basis-there are limited opportunities to ask for further clarification on a topic. Whether this is for help with a problem area or finding better wording for a college admissions essay, Gold Star Tutoring provides the extra support students need. For families in Ridgefield, our nearby Salmon Creek location offers specialized tutoring in English, math, science, and history, ensuring each student is matched with the right tutor to help them succeed.
Our Salmon Creak tutoring services cover a wide variety of subjects
Whether it’s environmental science or reading comprehension, we have a tutor that can help in practically any subject. Some of the areas in which we commonly assistance students include:
- Comprehension
- Critical Analysis
- Essay Writing
- Grammar
- Literary Exploration
- Current World Problems
- Global Studies
- State History
- U.S. History
- Women’s Studies
- Algebra
- Arithmetic
- Calculus
- Geometry
- Statistics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Earth Science
- Environmental Science
- Physics
We can help non-traditional students as well
At Gold Star Tutoring, we understand that not everyone has the same learning environment. Some students are adults returning to college to finish a degree. Others have English as a second language or are home-schooled. We’re happy to help with any type of student, and even have a reading tutor trained to help Dyslexic students!
We do SAT prep and offer advice for college entrance essays as well
Tutoring isn’t just for students who are having troubles; it’s for students who want to do better. And sometimes, even the most driven students seek out tutoring. This can be for help answering college entrance essay questions to the best of their ability or preparation for the Math portion of the SAT, or even the new ALEKS placement test at Clark College. Our talented team is standing by to help! Give us a call or contact us today to set up an appointment for tutoring in Ridgefield.